Emtec - At the end of 1996, BASF sold its audio cassette production under its brand to the South Korean group KOHAP Ltd. The deal came into effect on January 1, 1997; the subsidiary BASF Magnetics, which had been producing audio cassettes since the early 1990s, changed its name to Emtec Magnetics. Emtec continued to use the BASF brand until 2000, after which they only used the former BASF logo. The model range of BASF/Emtec cassettes of South Korean production was significantly abolished: the budget Ferro Extra, Chrome Extra, Record-I, Record-II, as well as the very cheap Sound 1 and Sound 2. Cassette production ceased in 2005, and in 2006 EMTEC was acquired by the French Dexxon Group.

Image Brand Manufacturer Model Description Type Length Year Made in Market
Compact Cassette Emtec FE I 60 Type I Normal Europe Emtec EMTEC FE I - Type I Normal 60 - France Europe