Add cassette

Adding a new cassette and adding a variant of an existing cassette

Brand. The main brands and models are already in the site database. Please check the spelling carefully, as there are often similar ones, even from the same manufacturer.
For cassettes without specifying the company, use "No Name". If the brand of your cassette is not in the list, write it in the comments and after checking it will be added.

Manufacturer. Most of the major brands produced their own products, especially in the early years. Later, many OEM manufacturers appeared, differences in the countries of production for different markets. Therefore, the inscription "made in" does not always correspond to the actual production. This is quite important information, so please be careful.

Model. The choice of model is associated with the selected brand, this makes it easier and simpler to add.
If you need to add a model, please do not use what is written on the packaging Low noise, iron, chrome, super, etc. The vast majority of models either have their own names or letter abbreviations. Exceptions are made for first-tier manufacturers and early models - Basf, Philips, Agfa, etc.
Also, in our opinion, there is no need to specify the model for brands or no-name companies that produced only a few cassettes. It is enough to enter it in the "Description" field.
Separately, it is necessary to say about the MK models produced in the USSR. To select a model, use the No-name brand, since most were produced at state-owned enterprises without a name. But you can specify a manufacturer from the list.

Technologies. Original production technology for both the mechanism and the film. The selected technology in the cassette description will be an active link to a detailed description in the Technologies section.

Description. Field for any additional information - model code, catalog number, second name, etc.

Series. This parameter is not active yet and will be later.

Film type, playing time and year of manufacture should not cause difficulties.

Made in. Often written on the cassette or J-card, sometimes it is the country of assembly from components produced in other countries, but the country of manufacture is taken as a basis.

Market. The country or region where the cassettes were sold. Unfortunately, this information is not on the cassettes and if it is not known, as in the case of large brands, then it is necessary to evaluate the inscriptions on the cassettes. Representative offices in the USA and Canada imply sales in the markets of these countries. Inscriptions in Japanese mean the Japanese market. Information in different languages ​​is most often used for the European market, in an expanded version - for several regions or the whole world.

Barcode. If it is there, then this is useful information for the cassette (it began to be used en masse in the 80s). Unfortunately, later releases of mass production have the same barcode on different cassettes.

Additional options. First of all, the choice of options is intended to mark the features. Perhaps this will be important to someone. Separately, we note Promo - advertising or other cassettes, probably for companies not associated with audio.

Packaging. The standard block consisted of 10-12 separate cassettes. In addition, various options were released where there was more than 1 cassette and different types of packaging, the cassettes themselves did not differ. Promo was used as an advertising medium or additional merch.

Comment. Extended description, opinion, additional information that you want to specify.

If you want to add a version of a cassette that is already on the site, use "Cloning" in the upper right part. You will need to change the necessary parameters and upload new photos.


Please take photos on a white background without tilting or distortion, if possible with daylight (so that the color shade does not change) and without strong highlights or darkening. 

For each photo, you need to select a match from the drop-down list and mark which one will be first (cover).
- front side of the package
- back side of the package
- end side of the package (or unpacked cassette)
- front side of the unpacked cassette (from the side of the film clamps)
- back side of the unpacked cassette
- cassette side A and B
- J-card on both sides (if possible, evenly and without bends)
- insert with stickers
- additional angles, up to 4 pcs, possibly horizontally from the corner so that there are 3 surfaces of the cassette in the frame