This is the new mission required of the cassette half.
Sony has been researching whether there is a way to make the sound beautiful other than the sound quality of the tape itself. One such proposal is the ceramic tape guide, which has already been incorporated into the HF-PRO, UX PRO, etc. and received favorable reviews. Modulation noise that occurs in addition to the recording signal due to uneven contact between the tape and the head during tape recording/playback, or external vibration of the tape deck, etc. The function of the ceramic tape guide is to suppress this modulation noise. And now that we've confirmed the effectiveness of the ceramic tape guide, Sony is making even more new proposals. "Constructing the entire cassette from a new material with excellent acoustic physical properties" Thoroughly reduces modulation noise from both the cassette half and the ceramic tape guide. This is Metal Master's biggest development goal.
Developed new material, fine ceramic composite material.
What is the ideal material required for cassette halves to reduce modulation noise? It has the property of absorbing external vibration, which is a major cause of modulation noise, and the property of being unaffected. The material satisfies these two conditions. This material was chosen to evolve the "Fine Ceramic Composite Material" developed for the ceramic tape guide for the half. Vibration is effectively absorbed by taking advantage of the high elastic modulus, low coefficient of friction, and sound absorption of ceramics, and by combining it with a special resin. There are many other benefits besides reduced modulation noise. For example, the new ceramic halves are perfect materials for cassette halves that are used in a variety of environments, such as improved heat resistance and an antistatic effect that almost repels dust.
It also has a ceramic tape guide. Here, a completely new cassette mechanism is born.
In order to make effective use of the properties of the new material, we needed a new perspective on the structure of the cassette. A major feature is that by making the tape running system independent, external vibration is suppressed from the inside as well. This is the ceramic tape guide. In addition, reinforcing ribs are provided throughout the half to increase rigidity. The entire cassette system was treated as a single system, including the DP-II mechanism that prevents hub undulations and magnetic tape winding disturbances. Its new mechanics can be seen just by its weight. It weighs about twice as much as the conventional half. This difference in specific gravity leads to differences in sound quality. Modulation noise reduced by Metal Master is up to 2.0dB. Magnetic energy with a maximum residual magnetic flux density of 3,600 gauss is played in silence that even absorbs the sound of tape running. An environment where the best tape capabilities can be demonstrated. The ideal image of the cassette that Sony pursued. This is Metal Master.
New technology is also introduced at the entrance of sound. Parallel spring pads for even pressure.
A tape pad that presses the tape against the head.
Red is the entrance of the sound, the weight closest to the head.
It's a necessary part. In Metal Master,
Assemble a new spring to apply pressure.
A clear sound is obtained by combination and smooth head touch.
New ideas here too: erasure protection plug.
A new idea for accidental erasure prevention claws. From the conventional folding type to the detachable and reattachable type. Considering the ease of use of the cassette, this is what happened.
A beautiful title for a beautiful sound. Index lettering included.
In order to further improve the degree of perfection, index lettering for titles is included. It is a beautiful new sensation cassette that transfers directly to the half.